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Location: Tracy, California, United States

I live an insect life. I detest pop culture and mock it relentlessly. I have a sense of humor, but mostly find myself laughed at rather than laughed with... not that there's anything wrong with that...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Written on July 9th, 2005

Slanted orange-yellow light
That illuminates the once-white
Now burnt sienna stones of an idle garden.
An orange and white passenger jet
Soars overhead to rendezvous with SFO.
Wind that moments ago was strong enough
To deter swimmers from entering a backyard pool,
Now lazily breezes through -- shuffling a frond or two.
Two dogs yap ceremoniously
At a sound they do not understand
As the slanting light disappears
From the rocks and the sand.
Calm now sets the water of the pool
As birds twitter their unknown tongue.
Black dog jumps in with a splash!
Twilight -- the day is done.


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